Monday, August 8, 2011

Familiarize Says Truth

Many ways can be done to teach honesty in children, by carrying out fast selaim also coupled with other behavior that is:
  • Encourage children to say the truth and tell you, what's on their minds. Ask how he felt. Tell that you will not be angry even though he said the right thing. This strategy will teach the children that they can say honestly, without the risk of being scolded.
  • Avoiding confrontation that makes kids want to lie to avoid trouble.
  • Avoid direct confrontation when you asked him a question that you already know the answer. Do not make your child in a situation where they will think will be easier to lie than tell the truth.
  • Honesty is most important to teach you to be honest! Never lie to your child. Be an example. When you lie to kids, they think lying is a reasonableness. But on the other hand, when children lie, you will be angry. You should not use double standards. (dea / multiple sources)

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