Long courtships do not guarantee a pair of young people going to be married. Well, there are some signs or indications which may serve as a benchmark to ascertain whether her lover will be your soul mate. What?
Every time your relationship with a man begins to serious stage, it might be time having in mind, whether he's going to be a companion of your life later? There are several clues that can actually give a sign to you about the continuity of relationship with him. Some of them may seem silly, but it may have a point. Consider just a few :
- Similar With your face : Believe it or not, most couples get married and it looks like this may not happen by chance. The study, conducted by psychologists from the University Of St. Andrews found that a person will tend to be attracted to others who have facial features like her own. Meanwhile, another study showed that married couples often have common physical characteristics. For example, the length of the neck or middle finger.
- You Can Receive All The drawback : No one is perfect. But, if you often secretly scowl when she saw her biting her nails or grumbled as he watched a football game seriously and ignore you, be careful. Moreover, when crossed your mind to change its behavior. Maybe he was not right for you. If you want to accept all the shortcomings, whatever it is, means you are ready to spend the rest of your life together forever.
- Only He Can Make You Laugh Release : Experts romance always say, a successful relationship is tinged with joy. Starting from the exchange joke, joke, or just a short story that can make you laugh out loud. However, if you tend to behave with him, or he makes you cry more often than vice versa, should forget the idea that he was the prince of your dreams.
- Your friends love it and the contrary : If he can make friends with your best friend and vice versa, this is a good sign. Especially if your friends are up to say that man is good for you. Because, usually friends better understand what is good for life and your happiness. They can judge a man with more objective than yourself that the condition of being in love.
- The Healthy You Can Argue With it : When it comes to any couples who never fight, it is an oddity. Clearly, the argument does not mean you both do not match. However, if you fight in a bad way (eg throwing objects to each other), it is a bad sign. The characteristics of a healthy argument is when you and he can talk without having to cast the words of contempt or invective, or discredit one another. Life together that you will be ahead with him, would obviously require banyaj compromise. If since you can now resolve differences of opinion in a good way, this will be a great asset for the future.
- Your intuition is said : When connected with a man, you suddenly feel so confident he is the right candidate for foster households. Intuition or instinct sometimes it can play a lot in love. It has been demonstrated by researchers from University College London, who found that the area which is responsible for intuition were active in couples who are in love. According to experts, when you feel that the he is the right mate, it is an expression of your subconscious. Your subconscious mind had been accumulating experience that you have spent with other men, sort them, and find some sort of benchmark that determines what kind of man that fits for you. Well, so it all came to the surface, you just need to believe it. (NineMSN.au / kompasfemale / abs)
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